Rick and Sadie: The Reunion Tour

The last time I had seen Designer Rick was over brunch more than 10 years ago. The kids were young, life was busy, and we lived in different towns.

One recent Sunday afternoon, Rick wandered into my open house with — surprise! — his new wife, Sadie, and we had a giddy reunion. They had started window-shopping for a new home together, but hadn’t gotten serious until our fortuitous re-connection. We started the hunt in earnest that day.

Two weeks later, they fell for a house whose considerable assets went well beyond their means. Still, we drafted an offer on the spot. There was some nail-biting back-and-forth while dreams careened left and right. The ball bounced from the seller, to the buyer, to the seller, to the buyer.  Finally, with a sigh of relief heard around the entire East Bay, newlyweds Rick and Sadie got their house!

Within moments of the seller signing their offer, Designer Rick was shopping for cabinet pulls, refrigerators, lighting and espresso makers. When they closed 21 days later, we all celebrated our re-connection with Rick’s bespoke cocktails, and we now have standing First Friday happy hour in Rick and Sadie’s new kitchen, with their new refrigerator and cabinet pulls, nestling into their new lives.

This is happiness in the East Bay, one home at a time.

Anne Culbertson